Meeting an American hero!
It was such an honor to meet and talk with Lt. Col. Oliver North. I found him to be a man of wit, sincere faith, and humility. And what stories he has to tell! |
Wonderful friends
I stopped on the drive down to Mount Hermon, where I taught in the Career Track for published authors, to visit with Francine and Rick Rivers , and their sweet German Shepherd, Shabah. |
Now THAT’S a dog!
Francine Rivers is as much a dog lover as I am! But then, Shabah’s easy to love. If I remember correctly, his name means “Ghost” in Arabic. |
Oooh! A little more to the right, please.
Can you tell Shabah loves being scratched? He’s a wonderful, loveable dog. And he loves me because I play catch and chase with him. What fun! |
Clouds from plane–sunset
I can’t fathom how anyone can see this and doubt God’s existence! What creative beauty. |
On top of the world!
I got some great shots of clouds from the plane on my last flight home from Nashville. Always puts me in mind of the delight God must take in creating beauty when I see sights like this. |
Some of my favorite shots of Francine (Rivers) and me. Can you tell we were having fun? (double-click for animation) |
You can see Karen Kingsbury’s spirit in this shot: gracious humor and a sincerity that shines. |
Bill Myers, moi, Robin Lee Hatcher, and James Scott Bell. How’s that for a combination? If we put all our writing styles together in one book, you’d get a supernatural adventure romantic legal thriller. Hmmm…come to think of it, sounds like fun! |
It still amazes me the people God has brought into my life. I used to read and love Lori Copeland’s novels when I was in college. And now here we are: friends! The humor you find in her books is a natural part of the woman herself. She’s not just a great writer, but a total hoot! |
I love doing research for my novels, because I get to meet some wonderful people. Case in point: Michelle Yarborough, an amazing stained-glass artist. She welcomed me into her workshop, showed me how she did what she did, and shared from the wealth of her knowledge and experience. Because of her, Annie in Kaleidoscope Eyes rings true. Thanks, Michelle! |
Coming Soon!
What Lies Within, Family Honor #3
Okay, time is relative, right? So when I say soon, I mean September ’07. Why so long, you ask? Well, here’s the scoop:
My publisher, Multnomah, was acquired by Random House/Waterbrook. Their schedules differ from Multnomah’s, so the release of WLW has been delayed. But no worries! The folks at Multnomah & Random House/Waterbrook are great people, and they’re excited about WLW. And, the best news of all, my wonderful editor, Julee Schwarzburg, is moving to Random House/Waterbrook as well, so I get to continue working with her. Yippee!
So thanks to those of you who’ve written me asking when Book #3 in the Family Honor series will release.
And now you know.
E-mail me.